Family and Student Handbook



Family and Student Handbook



Inspiring Excellence, One Spartan at a time!
Our Vision for the Wyomissing Area School District:

The Wyomissing Area School District aspires to be the preeminent public educational institution; as we:

  • ●  Prepare students to excel in a highly complex global community;

  • ●  Offer rigorous academics, cutting-edge technology, and enriching extracurricular opportunities;

  • ●  Attract and retain the best team of administrators and staff; and

  • ●  Create a culture built on respect, trust and integrity.


Dear Wyomissing Hills Families,

Welcome to the 2023-24 school year!

We are extremely excited to welcome back our returning families and be the first to welcome our new families to our learning community. Wyomissing Hills has gone through a full renovation this summer that will be fully completed in the fall. The upgraded facilities, new programs, along with the revival of activities start a new beginning and chapter in the rich tradition of excellence, and we are eager to show everything it has to offer our students and families. As we start the new school year, we thank our families for their commitment, dedication, and partnership in supporting our students’ growth and development in their academic, social, and emotional development.

As a way to communicate and support families throughout the year, this handbook, also accessible on the school website, provides information relative to Wyomissing Area School District policies. Please take time to review the information and refer to it throughout the year. You can access our district website, for other pertinent information such as announcements, dates to remember, and updates as they occur for you to view.

If you have questions, please do not hesitate to contact the school office or your child’s teacher. We are here to support our Wyomissing Hills families and students and help set them up for success.

We look forward to getting to know you and your child this year. Best wishes for a brand-new school year!

Dr. Matthew Redcay
610-374-0739, Ext. 4502

Mrs. Michelle Kersikoski
Assistant Principal
610-374-0739, Ext. 4503

General School Information/Policies/Procedures

School Hours – 8:45 AM – 3:15 PM

  1. Breakfast 8:30-8:45 AM

  2. Doors open at 8:30 AM. Walkers/car riders should not arrive before 8:30 AM. Classes start at 8:45 AM.

  3. Buses are dismissed between 3:15 -3:30 PM. Car Riders and Walkers are dismissed at 3:15 PM.

  4. Teachers will be in the school until 3:30 PM. The office will be open until 4:00 PM.

Late Arrival

If the student arrives after 8:45 to school, a parent or guardian should walk the child into the school building and provide the appropriate excuse in writing. A parent must come into the office with your child to sign the child in.

Sign Out Procedures during the school day

  1. The student will not be released unless a parent or guardian comes personally to the school office to sign them out. A note should be sent to the classroom teacher on the morning a student is going to leave early or if other routine changes are being requested.

  2. Identification will be required to sign a student out of school. Students will not be released to anyone without written permission from the parent/guardian.

  3. Signing out early not only means lost instructional time for the student, but it is also disruptive to the teaching and learning activities being conducted in the classroom.

  4. Signing a student out early to avoid dismissal traffic is not allowed.

Parent Notes and Drop off Items

All correspondence and drop off items from parents i.e.: absentee notes, early dismissals, lunches, sneakers, etc., must include the following...

  1. Student’s first and last name

  2. Homeroom teacher

Dismissal/After School Procedures

  1. In temporary emergency or extenuating situations – when the child is getting off the bus at a different stop or going on a different bus – we must have notes giving permission from ALL adults involved.

  2. If the student is walking to a friend's home or is being picked up by another parent – both parents/guardians must send notes giving their permission.

  3. Please do not call the school office after 12:00 p.m. to change after school plans for your child unless it is an emergency.


Upon initial enrollment at the District Office, you must provide:

  • Proof of student’s age

  • Proof of residence

  • Immunization records form

More detailed information is available on our website under Student Registration.

Welcome Visitors

Ring the buzzer at the single door outside the office, and we will be able to speak to you and then unlock the door. All parents and visitors must sign in at the school office immediately upon entering the waiting area. Once proper identification and reason for visit is verified, you will be allowed to access the school. All volunteers must have their current volunteer clearances and licenses in accordance with WASD guidelines. Please have your license available. A badge will be printed for all visitors and volunteers in the office and must be worn while you are on school grounds.

Emergency Form/Change of Address

For the health and comfort of your child, please keep emergency information up to date. If your child becomes ill or is injured at school, we must be able to reach you or the listed emergency contact within a short period of time. Please make sure the Emergency form is up to date and to include designated emergency contacts who are local and available during the school day in the event that parents/guardians cannot be reached.

It is extremely important that parents/guardians provide the school with current phone and cell numbers for contact in case of emergencies. An emergency form is issued at the start of each school year for parents/guardians to complete. It is the responsibility of parents/guardians to keep the school informed of any address or phone/cell changes, and to provide emergency contact information. Please visit our website to obtain the information needed for address changes.

Emergency Drills/Events

The Wyomissing Area School District strives to provide a safe and secure learning environment for all students, faculty, and staff members. If an emergency arises, the All Hazards Plan provides detailed steps for staff and administration to follow, for the safety of all students and staff.
During each school year, we practice several types of safety drills with our students: monthly fire drills, severe weather drills, bus evacuation drills (fall and spring), intruder/lockdown drills and an evacuation drill. During the first few weeks, we will be practicing various drills. Our staff members have procedures that have been reviewed with our students and will be followed when our drills take place.

Emergency School Closing

During the school year it may become necessary to close school or to delay opening for a period of time due to an emergency. When these emergencies occur, announcements regarding Wyomissing Hills Elementary Center will be given to the local radio and television stations. Please consult the district calendar for specific stations/channels.

Also, the E-Alert System will be activated and phone calls will be made to your E-Alert emergency contact numbers. Whenever possible, a decision regarding school closing or a delay in opening will be made by 5:30-6:00 AM and communicated to the stations as quickly as possible thereafter. When the E-Alert Message is sent from the district, Emergency information will also be displayed on the district homepage -

Please discuss with your child alternative plans for a place to go after school in the event of an emergency early dismissal due to weather conditions, etc. It is important for your child to know where he/she is to go or what he/she is to do when arriving home so the child will feel secure in the emergency situation.

Emergency Preparedness Guidelines

Should an emergency situation ever arise within the district or in the immediate area while school is in session, Wyomissing Area School District has a detailed plan formulated to respond to both human-caused and natural disasters. Please know that the Wyomissing Area School District is taking measures to provide a safe environment for your child(ren).

In the case of an emergency occurring during school hours, students will be cared for at the school or at a reunification site until a parent/guardian/emergency contact person can pick them up, or until it is safe to transport children to their homes by school district transportation. The Wyomissing Area School District requests that the parent/guardian/emergency contact person follow the guidelines below during an emergency.

During an Emergency:

  • ●  Do not call the school. Telephone lines will be needed for emergency purposes. Parents and guardians will be notified of the situation by a district representative. This notification may occur by phone, internet, and/or general media. The District website is

  • ●  When notified, you or a responsible adult, who has been identified on the: School Emergency Information Card or the Authorization to Receive Child Form sheet may pick up your child(ren). All individuals picking up child(ren) must show identification and sign for the child(ren). If you are authorizing another person who is identified on your emergency card to assume responsibility for your child(ren), please consider the following:

o He/she is 18 years of age or older.
o He/she is usually home during the day.
o He/she could walk to school if necessary.
o He/she is known to your child.
o He/she is both aware of and able to assume this responsibility.

  • ●  Note that individuals other than the parent/guardian/emergency contact will not be permitted to pick up a child.

  • ●  If it becomes necessary to pick up your child(ren), the District will notify parent/guardian where you can pick up your child(ren) known as the reunification site. It is important that parents/guardians/emergency contact persons follow the reunification guidelines communicated to the parent/guardian/emergency contact person and posted at the reunification site. School representatives will also be available to assist you at the reunification site.


Parents/guardians do have the right to prohibit the District from photographing or filming/digitally recording  their child for use in school publicity releases.  Each year the District develops a Do Not Photograph list to  help ensure that it complies with parent/guardian wishes.  If you wish that your child NOT be photographed  or filmed while participating in school activities, please fill out the Photo Publication form sent to you in the  first day packet.  Students on the Do Not Photograph list may still be photographed or filmed by classroom  teachers for classroom bulletin boards, presentations, etc.  The Do Not Photograph list only precludes the  District from using pictures or video footage of listed students as part of the school publicity release.  Parents/guardians must notify classroom teachers directly to prohibit them from photographing or filming  their child for use in classroom displays.

Custody Agreements

Whenever one parent has a custody agreement that restricts the rights of the other natural parent, the  school should be notified.  If there is a restriction from picking up the child or viewing the child’s records, it  is up to the custodial parent to notify the school in writing, including specific legal documentation.

Cycle Days

Wyomissing  Hills  Elementary  Center  operates  on  a  six-day  cycle,  beginning  with  Cycle  Day  1  on  the  first  day  of  school.  If  school  is  interrupted  due  to  a  conference  day,  vacation  day,  etc.,  the  cycle  day  schedule  is  also  interrupted  until  school  resumes.  Example:  If  this  Tuesday  is  Cycle  Day  1,  and  Wednesday  is  a  day  off  school,  Thursday  would  become  Cycle  Day  2.  This  schedule  ensures  that  your  child  will  not  miss  any  scheduled  classes.  It  is  important  to  keep  track  of  what  cycle  day  it  is  for  library  books,  physical  education  apparel, instrument lessons, etc.

Distribution of Non-School Related Material

Parents,  community  organizations  and  businesses  who  wish  to  distribute  any  written  material  or  objects  during  school  hours,  must  have  prior  approval  from  the  District  Office.  This  would  include  items  such  as  flyers, posters, pencils or pens with advertising on them, etc.

Library Books

Library books will be exchanged on the assigned library cycle day. Parents are responsible for paying for books that are lost or damaged. If a library book is more than a month overdue, correspondence through phone calls and letters will occur until payment has been received.

Party Invitations

Private party invitations are only to be distributed at school when the entire classroom, all the boys or all the girls are invited. This often creates embarrassment and some hurt feelings for students not invited. Distribution time will be at the teacher’s discretion.

Lost and Found

All lost and found books, jackets, outerwear, lunch boxes and valuables are to be sent to the designated lost and found area. Lost articles may be claimed from the office or designated location. Parents are encouraged to put the student's name in and on all belongings. Unclaimed lost and found items may be donated to local charities/agencies at the conclusion of the school year.

Due Process

School district officials use the following sources to guarantee students’ due process rights: the Pennsylvania Public School Code, the Regulations of the Pennsylvania State Board of Education, school board rules and regulations, case law requirements, PA School Board Association (PSBA) recommendations, and student handbooks. The Wyomissing Area School District Policy Manual is available on the Wyomissing Area School District website for review by parents/guardians and students.

Classroom Visitation

Any parent or visitor who comes to school must talk with the receptionist to register in the building to deliver a message and/or materials. Parents may not visit teachers or classrooms without prior arrangements as this is disruptive to the educational program. Volunteers who are coming to help in a classroom must sign-in and obtain a visitor’s badge, and have proper identification. This is important for building security.

Electronic Devices/Toys/ Miscellaneous Items

Items such as iPods, mp3 players, toys, games, radios, cameras, skateboards, video games, boom boxes, CDs, balls, water guns, junk food, trading cards, roller blades, sports equipment, any toy or technology from home, and other items that interfere with the learning environment should not be brought to school. Parents must pick up any confiscated items from the office. The school is not responsible for lost or stolen items.

Student Dress and Appearance

We at Wyomissing Hills Elementary Center believe that student dress and overall appearance should foster a positive and productive school environment and should reflect pride in one's self as well as in our school. We further believe that student dress and appearance is a shared responsibility of the home and the school. The following principles, procedures, and guidelines will be in effect at all times with appropriate exceptions made on specifically designated school-wide special occasions such as Hat Day, Dress-up Day, etc.

1.     Because  of  perpetual  change  in  fashion  trends,  no  specific  guidelines  as  to  type  and  style  of  dress  will be issued.

2.     Four basic guidelines will govern all questions related to school attire:

a.   Clothes should be in good taste and be worn so as to reflect modesty.

b.   Clothes should be clean and in good repair.

c.   Clothing should not endanger the health or safety of either the wearer or any other individual.

d.   Clothing should help foster an academic atmosphere, not be disruptive to the educational  process.

3.     The following are not appropriate for school attire:

a. Clothing that promotes, encourages or depicts any form of drug (including alcohol), cult, gang or  satanic activity, or graphic illustration of violence.

b. Clothing that is suggestive, revealing, obscene or contains any sexual innuendo or vulgar  language.

c.  Caps, hats, bandanas or other head coverings (except for religious observance).

d.  Dresses, skirts or shorts that are too short (end of fingertips when standing). 

e. Shoulder or back baring attire.

f.  Tank tops – straps must be 2 fingers wide.  No spaghetti straps.

g. Tops or pants that do not meet at the waist.

h. Garments which are ripped, frayed, cut off or have holes in them.

i.  Boxers, low-cut or revealing tops, and lycra pants without an overgarment.

4.  Due to safety concerns, flip flops and open-toed shoes are strongly discouraged.  Students will not  be allowed to participate in physical education or to play on playground equipment.

5.   The right of interpretation and enforcement resides with the school faculty and administration.

6.  Students whose attire is not in accordance with the above guidelines will be required to take  immediate  action to comply with the guidelines.

7.  Any request for exceptions to the above guidelines or their interpretation may be presented to the  building administrator.

8.  In all instances, the rights of the individual student will be protected in accordance with the provisions  of the United States Constitution and The Pennsylvania Bill of Student Rights and Responsibilities.

The final decision, with regard to dress code rests with the building principal.

Physical Education Attire

Students are required to participate in physical education class regularly. All students should wear gym shoes (sneakers) on days when they are scheduled for physical education class. Although gym uniforms are not needed for elementary students, dresses or skirts should not be worn on the day they have physical education class.

Field Trips

Information regarding school approved field trips will be communicated to parents throughout the school year. Students on school-sponsored field trips remain under the supervision and responsibility of school authority and the rules and regulations of the school.

Volunteering at WASD

The Wyomissing Area School District offers many opportunities for parents and community members to be involved in the educational experience of students. The District values the strong community and school partnership which enriches the education of students and allows the community to become more familiar with the District’s many offerings and events. In an effort to continue this strong relationship and ensure the safety needs of students, the District requires specific clearances depending on a person’s level of involvement/interaction with students. If interested in serving as a volunteer, please visit the District website.

Chaperone Guidelines

First and foremost, we would like to thank you for your interest in our students and your willingness to serve as a chaperone. To make this trip as educational and nurturing as possible, we ask that you follow a few simple guidelines. The students will look to you as an adult role model and the teacher(s) will ask you to be directly responsible for implementing his/her instructions for the trip. It should be understood that while the students are not physically in the school building, they are under the school policies that would be in effect as if they were. This will certainly create a safe, educational, and wholesome experience for all participants. Below are a few guidelines that we would ask you please to follow as a chaperone for your child’s field trip:

  1. Supervise the students as per teacher’s instructions.

  2. Small children should not accompany chaperones on the trip

  1. Dress appropriately (modesty and safety); clothes advertising drugs, alcohol, tobacco, or violence should not be worn.

  2. Be prompt (when meeting time deadlines).

  3. Follow limits set for spending money, etc.

  4. Do not discuss your child’s academic/behavior progress/concerns with the teacher.

  5. Fulfill the expectations the teacher sets for the trip’s itinerary.

  6. Follow the bus policy.

  7. Ideas and opinions should be expressed in a respectful manner.

  8. No smoking or use of tobacco products (Act 45).

  9. Weapons, including replicas, are prohibited at any school-sponsored activity (Act 26).

  10. Chaperones must ride the bus unless otherwise specified.

  11. Your child will need to return a signed permission slip to school, along with any money that is required to cover the cost of the trip. Ample time will be provided for these permission slips to be returned. Please notify the teacher ahead of time if you need assistance with the cost. No child will be left behind because of an inability to pay.

  12. If your child does not return his/her permission slip with payment, or the teacher is not notified of needed assistance, by the indicated deadline, we will assume that you do not wish for your child to participate in this field trip. Therefore, any students who do not return the permission slip by the deadline will remain at school on the day of the trip.

  13. For some trips, students will need to arrive at school before the regular school day begins. On these days, your child will need to find alternate transportation to school and will need to arrive by the scheduled time.

  14. Parents may not drive any students to the field trip destination, even if the students arrive late to school and miss the bus.

  15. Parents are not permitted to drive in their own cars and meet the students at the field trip destination. Any parents who would like to participate in the trip must have their clearances to volunteer to be a chaperone and ride to and from the destination with the students. Siblings may not accompany a parent volunteer.

Academic Information

Parent Conferences

In an effort to encourage home – school communication and engage parents/guardians in their child’s learning, Parent-Teacher conferences will be scheduled in November and February.

At our Meet the Teacher Night, we invite parents to come to school and meet the teacher to discuss the academic expectations, behavioral expectations, as well as curricular expectations at Wyomissing Hills Elementary School. We will have three sessions and hope to see you for our presentations.

5:00 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. 5.45 p.m.- 6:15 p.m. 6:30 p.m. - 7:00 p.m.

PSSA Assessments

Pennsylvania System of School Assessments (PSSAs) are given in the spring of each school year in grades 3 and 4. All students in 3rd & 4th grades will be assessed in both English Language Arts (ELA) and Math. 4th graders will also be assessed in Science.
The Pennsylvania System of School Assessment categorizes student achievement into four performance levels. These performance levels have been adopted under Chapter 4 of the Pennsylvania School Code in the areas of mathematics, reading and writing. These descriptors are used to indicate student performance on the PSSAs.

  • Advanced: The Advanced Level reflects superior academic performance. Advanced work indicates an in-depth understanding and exemplary display of the skills included in the Pennsylvania Core Standards.

  • Proficient: The Proficient Level reflects satisfactory academic performance. Proficient work indicates a solid understanding and adequate display of the skills included in the Pennsylvania Core Standards.

  • Basic: The Basic Level reflects marginal academic performance. Basic work indicates a partial understanding and limited display of the skills included in the Pennsylvania Core Standards. This work is approaching satisfactory performance but has not reached it. There is a need for additional instructional opportunities and/or increased student academic commitment to achieve the Proficient Level.

  • Below Basic: The Below Basic Level reflects inadequate performance. Below Basic work indicates little understanding and minimal display of the skills included in the Pennsylvania Core Standards. There is a major need for additional instructional opportunities and/or increased student commitment to achieve the Proficient Level.

    Assessment Schedule for the 2022-2023 school year






April 24-28

PSSA-Math, Science (grade 4), Makeups


May 1-12


Meaningful homework is given to reinforce skills that have been presented, to extend or enrich beyond classroom instruction, and to develop a sense of responsibility and self-discipline.

As students progress through the grades, it is typical for them to have approximately 10 minutes of homework for the grade in which they are in school (i.e. 2nd grade would receive 20 minutes of homework). It should be stressed, however, that students vary in the time it takes to complete an assignment. If your child is having particular difficulty or is spending an excessive amount of time completing homework on a regular basis, the parent should discuss this with the teacher. We encourage parents to check-in daily with their child about their assignments and to assist without actually doing the homework.

The type of assignments, when they are assigned, and how they are checked is determined by the classroom teacher. Teacherswillcommunicatewithstudentsandparentsatthebeginningoftheschoolyearexplainingtheir homework procedures and expectations regarding responsibilities of the students. This will include what consequences will occur when students fail to be responsible for their work, and assignments are incomplete or late. Modificationstohomeworkprocedurescanbemadeforstudents,asdeemednecessary,onacase-by-case basis.

If your child is absent, please call the school office before lunch to request assignments. These assignments may be picked up in the office after school or sent home with a friend. This will help the child not become overwhelmed when he/she returns to school. Students will have one day for each day of absence to complete his/her assignments. It is unreasonable to expect an ill child to complete several days of work in one evening. In the event of extenuating circumstances, you may want to contact your child’s teacher.

Pennsylvania’s Multi-Tiered System of Supports (PA-MTSS)

Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) is a comprehensive system of supports that includes standards aligned, high quality instruction, universal screening, and data based decisions that are founded on what the learner needs. MTSS represents a broad set of evidence based best practices that may be implemented to include academics and behavior within a systematic problem solving practice. MTSS is intended to help ALL students meet with continual academic and behavioral success.

Promotion and Retention

In all cases of retention, the parents/guardians shall be fully involved and informed throughout the process. Parents/Guardians and students shall be informed of the possibility of retention of a student well in advance.

Academic achievement, attitude, effort, work habits, behavior, attendance and other factors related to learning shall be evaluated regularly and communicated to students and parents/guardians.

The district shall utilize multiple measures of academic performance as determinants in promotion and retention decisions.

Attendance Policies

A purposeful, caring attendance policy is an integral part of the school's effort to provide a meaningful education for all students. The school ascribes to the belief that a student cannot receive maximum benefit from his or her school experiences, nor a parent maximum return on the tax dollar when students are not in regular attendance. Please note: In an effort to improve communication and coordinate care with physicians who are treating students with chronic medical conditions, a release to speak to the treating physician will need to be on file with the school nurse.


Students are required to give signed excuses for all absences, early dismissals and tardies to their teacher on or before the third (3rd) school day following the absence to be considered legal. No excuse will be accepted after the third day following an absence.

Excused Absences

The following are the only absences which are considered excused:

  1. Illness with return of properly signed excuse form within 3 days of absence

  2. Funeral

  3. Pre-approved educational tour or trip (on our website)

  4. Natural disaster or emergency

  5. Religious holidays and religious instruction

General Guidelines

  • ●  The parent/guardian of a student will receive an unlawful attendance letter for the first, second, and third and sixth unexcused absence.

  • ●  Upon the accumulation of ten absences, a letter will be sent to the parent/guardian requiring a doctor’s excuse for all future absences and a truancy elimination plan meeting will be set up by your child’s guidance counselor. This meeting is designed to help families develop a plan to improve attendance.

  • ●  If the Truancy Elimination Plan is not adhered to, the school’s Student Assistance Specialist, will refer the family to SAM Advance School Attendance Program. If this program is not followed, Children and Youth will be contacted.

Special Excusals

Requests  for  early  dismissals  for  medical  appointments  should  be  limited  to  those  which  cannot  be  made  other  than  during  school  hours.  When  requesting  such  an  early  dismissal,  an  excuse  form  should  be  submitted  to  the  classroom  teacher  no  later  than  the  beginning  of  the  school  day  on  which  the  appointment  occurs.  Medical  or  dental  appointments  will  be  excused  only  if  the  student  returns  with  a  note  or  special  excuse  card  from  the  physician or dentist within 3 days.

Educational Trips and Policies

Students  wishing  to  be  excused  for  educational  experiences  such  as  non-school  sponsored  vacations  or  trips  must  secure  a  request  from  the  office .  This  form  will  be  completed  by  the  parent/guardian  and  then  returned to  school  at  least  one  week  before  the  scheduled  event.  Prior  approval  is  required  for  the  absence  to  be  considered excused.

A  maximum  of  five  cumulative  days  will  be  allowed  consecutively  in  one  school  year  with  a  maximum  of  ten  days  total.  All  additional  days  will  be  recorded  as  illegal.  It  is  recommended  that  these  days  not  be  scheduled  at  the  beginning or end of a school term or during the PSSA testing window.


A  student  is  considered  to  be  tardy  when  he/she  arrives  at  school  after  8:45  a.m.  Arrival  to  school  after  1:00  will  be considered a half day absence.  After six tardies, a student will receive a letter from the school office.

Early Dismissals

When  the  school  is  in  session  for  a  half-day  (in-service,  etc.)  the  day  will  end  at  12:30  a.m.  and  be  marked  as  either a full day absent or a full day in attendance.

IMPORTANT  –  students  who  are  not  in  attendance  OR  who  leave  school  due  to  illness  during  the  day  will  NOT  be  permitted to participate in school extra-curricular activities on that day.

Food Services

Breakfast Cost of breakfast is $1.60. The cost for reduced breakfast is $ .40.

  1. The breakfast program will begin on the first day of school and is offered daily.

  2. Children participating in the breakfast program may come to breakfast as they arrive at school.

  3. Breakfast will not be served if there is a weather delay.

Lunch - Cost of lunch is $2.60 (includes milk). The cost for reduced lunch is $ .40. Packers may purchase milk for $ .60.

a. Lunch should be paid for on or before the day the students are buying. Please do not charge lunches.

b. Each month a new menu will be posted on the district website under food service. Paper copies of the 
menu are available in the school office.

Students may choose the hot entrée of the day or an alternate entrée. Assorted cold sandwiches, salad and a vegetarian bag lunch are offered daily as an alternative. WASD operates on a point of sale system – you may put any amount of money in the students’ food service account to be used for the purchase of breakfast, lunch or milk. Checks should be made payable to WASD – Food Service.

WASD Food Service Student Accounts

WASD also offers parents an online payment option using Parents are encouraged to register with Schoolcafe provides an all-encompassing way for families to view student purchases, replenish account balances, set up automatic payments, and receive low balance notifications. Information and links for schoolcafe can be found on the District Website under Food Service. You will need the student ID number in order to set up an account.

Free & Reduced Meals

If purchasing lunch or breakfast presents a financial hardship for your family, please complete an application for free and reduced meals. Families with internet access can complete an application online by going to Paper applications can also be completed and returned to the school for processing. Paper applications can be downloaded from the District Website under Food Service. Applications are also available in the school office. Family income will determine your eligibility for free or reduced meals. You must fill out a new application every school year. Additionally, if your financial status should change during the year, you may contact the Food Service Department (610-374-0739 ext. 1118) to see if you might qualify for free or reduced meals.

Please direct any questions or concerns regarding Food Services to the Director of Food Services, (610)374-0739 ext. 1118.

School Health Services

These services are an attempt to help children maintain optimal health status and achievement throughout their formal education.

Vision/Hearing Screenings
Each year the school nurse screens students for possible hearing and vision problems. Referrals for

existing concerns will be sent home with the student. Uncorrected hearing and vision disorders can affect learning potential. Please return completed referral reports to the school nurse as soon as possible.

Physical and Dental Examinations

● The Pennsylvania Department of Health requires that students receive physical and dental examinations. To provide continuity of care, it is recommended that your family physician/dentist complete these examinations. In lieu of a completed examination report by your physician/dentist, the school physician/dentist will complete the necessary examination in school upon written permission. The mandated grades are as follows:

o Physical examinations- kindergarten, and new students
o Dental examinations- kindergarten, 3
rd grade, and new students


● Under regulation of the Pennsylvania Department of Health, ALL students entering school are required to provide written proof of having received the following immunizations:

o 4 doses of tetanus, diphtheria and acellular pertussis (1 dose on or after the 4th birthday)
o 4 doses of polio (4
th dose on or after the 4th birthday and at least 6 months after previous dose given)
o 2 doses of measles, mumps and rubella
o 3 doses of hepatitis B
o 2 doses of varicella (chickenpox) or evidence of immunity

  • ●  These requirements allow for medical exemptions, religious beliefs, philosophical/strong moral beliefs, and ethical convictions. If your child is exempt from immunizations, he/she may be removed from school during an outbreak.

  • ●  Please remember, all students must complete the entire required series of immunizations in order to be admitted to school. Students with an incomplete vaccine record risk exclusion. A child with an incomplete vaccine record will have 5 days to complete the vaccine requirement or provide a medical certificate explaining the schedule for remaining needed doses.

  •  Emergency Information

● For the health and comfort of your child, please keep emergency information up to date. If your child becomes ill or is injured at school, we must be able to reach you or the listed emergency contact within a short period of time. Please make sure the Health and Emergency Form is updated to include designated emergency contacts who are local and available during the school day in the event that parents/guardians cannot be reached.

Health Room Visits

  • ●  Health room services are available for students who become ill or have accidents during the school day. The school nurse is not available to diagnose or treat students who come to school with existing injuries or illnesses.

  • ●  Parents will be called as needed.

Medication at School

  • ●  Administration of medication to a student during school hours will be permitted only when failure to take such medicine would jeopardize the health of the student or the student would not be able to attend school if the medicine were not available during school hours. It is anticipated that administering medication during school hours will be the exception when necessary, rather than the rule.

  • ●  Before any medicine (over the counter or prescription) is administered during school hours, the school nurse must have written permission from the parent/guardian, and written directives from the licensed medical provider.

  • ●  A student’s parent/guardian must bring medicine (over the counter or prescription) to school in the original container.

  • ●  A parent/guardian should bring the medication and the properly completed medication form to the nurse’s office. *A new form is needed for each school year.

  • ●  All medications and supplies must be stored in the nurse’s office while the student is attending school. It is a violation of school policy for a student to carry medications on himself or herself. Self-administration of medication may be permitted only if authorized by the prescribing physician.

o Asthma inhalers and Epipens may be carried by a student if the proper guidelines are followed according to the school’s policy and the proper paperwork is on file in the nurse’s office. Students with asthma and/or allergies are recommended to complete action plans which are available in the health room.

● At the end of the designated time period to take the prescribed medication, which shall be set by the licensed physician, all unused medication will be returned to the parent/guardian or will be destroyed after notifying the parent/guardian if the medication is not picked up at the school.

Guidelines for Parents to Follow when Deciding to Keep your Child Home from School

It is important to maintain a healthy environment in the classroom in order to protect all students. Common sense, concern for your child’s well-being, and the possibility of infecting classmates should all contribute to the decision about whether your child should stay home.
When should I keep my child home from school?

  • ●  Fever- children with a temperature of 100 degrees or higher must be fever-free (without fever reducing medications such as Tylenol) for 24 hours before returning to school

  • ●  An upset stomach accompanied by vomiting and/or diarrhea

  • ●  The beginning stages of a cold when sneezing and coughing are not well controlled. Also, please teach your child to cover sneezes and coughs using tissues or his/her bent elbow, not hands.

  • ●  A sore throat with fever and/or a stomach ache and/or white spots on the back of the throat

  • ●  An unexplained rash

  • ●  Injuries that happen at home or over the weekend should be taken care of prior to returning to school.

    Please notify the nurse with any instructions or restrictions related to such injuries.

    Managing Food in the Classroom

  • ●  Birthdays are not celebrated with treats or food due to allergies and the safety of our students.

    Classroom teachers recognize this special day within their own classroom setting without food or individual gifts from home. Parents are always welcome to make a contribution in honor of your child’s birthday by contributing to a class or school need.

  • ●  Teachers are encouraged to use non-food items as rewards.

  • ●  If teachers choose to allow snacks or food in the classroom for holiday parties or other activities, it must be managed with care.

o Teachers should be notified of their student’s food allergies and special dietary needs. With parental permission, they can use this information to plan meticulously for a few “safe” foods that can be served during classroom celebrations. Extra care must be taken so that foods are approved and double-checked and that children eating in the classroom are monitored at all times.

o Pre-packaged healthy foods with ingredients listed and/or fresh fruits and vegetables are appropriate suggestions for class parties since these food items enable staff to determine if a food allergen is present.

● Students with allergies are recommended to have their doctor complete a Food Allergy Action Plan.

This action plan is available in the health room.

Head Lice

  • ●  Head lice are a common community problem, most commonly among children ages 3 to 11 years old. Head lice are not dangerous and they do not spread disease. Your family, friends or community may experience head lice. It’s important to know some basics, including how to recognize symptoms and what to do if faced with an infestation.

  • ●  Head lice are tiny, wingless insects that live close to the human scalp. The eggs, also called nits, are tiny, tear-drop shaped eggs that attach to the hair shaft. Nits often appear yellowish or white and can look like dandruff but cannot be removed or brushed off. The adult louse is the size of a sesame seed and appears tan to grayish-white. An itchy and inflamed scalp is a common symptom of lice.

  • ●  Head lice are mostly spread by direct head-to-head contact. Less often, lice are spread via objects that have been in recent contact with a person with head lice, such as hats, scarves, hair ribbons, combs, brushes, stuffed animals or bedding.

  • ●  Finding live lice on the scalp or in the hair is an indication of an active infestation. Head lice are most commonly found behind the ears and near the neckline at the back of the head.

o If you think your child has head lice, it’s important to talk to a healthcare provider to discuss the best treatment approach for your family. *Prompt proper treatment is in the best interest of the child.

o Family bed linens and recently used clothes (including coats and backpacks), hats and towels should be washed in very hot water. Personal articles, such as combs, brushes and hair clips, should also be washed in hot soapy water or thrown away if they were exposed to the site of infection.

o Anything that cannot be washed can be tied up in a garbage bag for 2 weeks.

o Vacuum carpets, upholstered furniture and your car/car seat thoroughly.

If lice are identified by the elementary school nurse, the following practices (based upon recommendations from the PA Department of Health and the Academy of Pediatrics) shall be implemented:

o The school nurse will contact parents when live lice are found. The school nurse will urge prompt treatment and will provide information to the parent/guardian regarding head lice. Students diagnosed with live lice may return to school the following day after appropriate treatment of live lice has begun.

o Siblings of affected students will be checked for possible head lice.

o The school nurse will continue to work with the family during the lice treatment. The nurse will also provide hair checks upon the student’s return after treatment, and seven days after the treatment was given.

Throughout the school year, teachers and staff remind students to avoid direct head-to-head contact. Teachers and staff also remind students not to share any items that go on students’ heads (combs, brushes, hats, scarves, etc.).

Additional Notes from the Nurse

  • ●  Some children have bathroom accidents at school even if they don’t have them at home. Please consider packing a change of clothing in your child’s backpack “just in case.”

  • ●  Footwear is a safety factor. Sandals and flip-flops are cute, but they do not provide any support or protection to children’s feet, nor are they safe for running and climbing. PLEASE send your children to school in sneakers and help reduce the number of bleeding toes, broken nails, and falls at recess.

  • ●  Lozenges/cough drops are considered a choking hazard to our elementary school-aged students. Please consider sending a water bottle with your student to help ease your child’s symptoms.

  • ●  Health forms are available on the district website, Click on Wyomissing Hills Elementary Center and select Health Services.

    Special Education Services

    The Wyomissing Area School District works diligently to provide a free appropriate education program to all exceptional students in the least restrictive environment and in compliance with regulations as outlined in IDEA 2004. We strive to provide all identified students with an individualized education program (IEP), within their home school building or as close to the school district as possible, while meeting their unique learning needs.

    The school district provides a continuum of services designed to serve all special needs students. Building principals, school counselors, school psychologists, general education teachers, and special education teachers work closely with the Supervisor of Special Education in the screening, referral, and evaluation process. When a student is determined to have a school-aged educational disability and be eligible to receive specially designed instruction, an individualized education program is developed. The special education placement in the least restrictive environment is determined by the educational needs outlined in the IEP.

    When a student is determined to qualify for special education services, they have a special education case manager who is responsible for coordinating the special services outlined in the IEP. The IEP team meets at least one time per year to review the educational progress of the student. At a minimum, students are re-evaluated every three years (two years for students with an intellectual disability), for education services. For any questions, please contact the Supervisor of Special Education at 610-374-0739.

    The elementary gifted program provides enrichment experiences which extend the learning from the regular classroom and provides opportunities for further development in leadership, social/emotional relationships, problem solving and creative and critical thinking. In addition, inclusion services are implemented on a grade level basis dependent upon student need and scheduling parameters. The gifted facilitator also collaborates with classroom teachers to help provide extension and enrichment within the regular classroom.

    Student Services

    School Counselors

    Students are encouraged to visit with their building’s school counselor, as needed. School counselors specialize in personal/social services. Parents may telephone the building office or email the counselor to discuss needs or concerns of their child(ren). Counselors may act as a liaison between home and school, refer parents to resources in the school, and provide connections for parents with outside support agencies.

    Elementary Student Assistance Program (ESAP)

    The Elementary Student Assistance Program (ESAP) provide students and families with assistance in accessing school and community services/resources to help with mental health issues, drug and alcohol issues, suicide ideations, or any other problems a student may be experiencing.

    ESAP does not diagnose, treat, or refer students for treatment. However, through an assessment process, ESAP may provide families with information and resources in order to secure the proper services. ESAP’s goal is to help eliminate barriers so students will succeed in school. If your child is in need of help and you wish to refer them, please contact your school counselor.

Student Behavioral Procedures and Policies

Student Rights and Responsibilities (Board Policy #235)
Attendant upon the rights established for each student are certain responsibilities, which include regular attendance; conscientious effort in classroom work and homework; conformance to Board Policies and school rules and regulations; respect for the rights of teachers, students, administrators and all others who are involved in the educational process; and expression of ideas and opinions in a respectful manner.

It shall be the responsibility of the student to:

1.   Be aware of all policies, rules and regulations for student behavior and conduct him/herself accordingly.  Each student shall assume that, until a rule is waived, altered or repealed in writing, it is in effect.

2.    Volunteer information in matters relating to the health, safety and welfare of the school community and  the protection of school property.

3.   Dress and groom to meet standards of safety and health, and not to cause substantial disruption to the  educational processes.

4.     Assist the school staff in operating a safe school             

5.     Comply with federal, state and local laws.

6.    Exercise proper care when using district facilities, school supplies and equipment.

7.   Attend school daily and be on time to all classes and other school functions.

8.     Make up work when absent from school.

9.  Pursue and attempt to satisfactorily complete the courses of study prescribed by local school  authorities.

10.   Report accurately in student media.

11.   Not use obscene language in student media or on school property.

Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action, consistent with the Code of Student Conduct and Board

Delegation of Responsibility

The Superintendent or designee shall develop administrative regulations consistent with law and Board policy to ensure that student rights under specific conditions are properly recognized and maintained.

Disciplinary Procedures

Students that violate the student behavior code will be subject to consequences appropriate to the type of infraction. The following outlines discipline levels, examples of offenses, and possible consequences. The lists are not intended to be all-inclusive.

Level 1 Offenses: minor student misbehavior which is handled by the supervising staff according to classroom, playground, and cafeteria rules and consequences.
Possible Consequences:

  1. Loss of special privileges

  2. Loss of recess

  3. Removal from play

  4. Time after school

  5. Written assignment reflecting on the behavior

Level 2 Offenses: frequent or more serious student behavior that requires office intervention; bus misconduct. Examples:

  1. unmodified level 1 behavior

  2. classroom disturbance that results in being removed

  1. harmful, physical contact resulting from rough housing

  2. defiant behaviors

  3. vulgar language

Possible Consequences:

  1. Discipline referral to the office

  2. Administrative Discretion

o Restitution
o Reflective Assignment
o Detention
o Parent contact/involvement
o Loss of privilege
o Behavior contract
o In- or out-of-school suspension

Level 3 Offenses: More serious behavior code violations which may be harmful to property or the well-being of others


  1. Unmodified level 2 behavior

  2. Vandalism

  3. Smoking or tobacco possession

  4. Fighting

  5. Stealing

  6. Harassing or threatening others

Possible Consequences:

  1. Discipline referral to the office

  2. Administrative Discretion

o Restitution
o Parent contact/involvement
o Reflective Assignment
o In- or out-of-school suspension o Notification of the police

Level 4 Offenses: Severe student behavior that endangers students or staff or which greatly interfere with the operation of the school


  1. Unmodified or extreme level 3 behavior

  2. Possessing, using or selling drugs

  3. Possession of a weapon such as knives, bullets, guns, etc. – including look-alikes

  4. Terroristic threats

Possible Consequences:

      1. Administrative Discretion o Parent contact

o In- or out-of-school suspension o Notification of Police


Under the principal’s discretion, students may be suspended for violations of the student behavior code. Temporary suspensions may be either an in-school suspension or an out-of-school suspension. When an out-of-school suspension is utilized, the student is to remain at his/her home during school hours. Failure to do so may result in further disciplinary action by the school.

Students who are suspended under the Student Behavior Code may not participate in any extra-curricular activity (including practices and rehearsals) for the duration of that suspension.

Within the first five (5) days of the implementation of an out-of-school suspension of more than three (3) but not more than ten (10) days, the student is entitled to meet with the principal for an informal hearing. This meeting is to give an opportunity for the student to explain the circumstances surrounding the event(s) for which he/she is being suspended and to demonstrate some compelling reason why he/she should not be suspended. Sufficient advance notice of the time and place of the hearing shall be given to the student and his/her parents or guardian.

Rules for the Informal Temporary Suspension Hearing Before the Principal:

1. The student shall be presented the reason(s) for the suspension in writing.
2. The student may be accompanied by his/her parent(s) or guardian at the hearing. They shall also be 
given a copy of the reason(s) for the suspension.
3. School records and witnesses may be introduced at the hearing. The student shall have the right to cross examine any witness.
4. The student shall have the right to speak and produce witnesses on his/her behalf.

The student may waive the right to an informal hearing. Such waiver shall indicate his/her acceptance of the suspension.

Out-of-school suspensions of three (3) days or less and all in-school suspensions of ten (10) days or less do not require a hearing. However, the student and parent shall be given the reasons for all suspensions in writing.


When a student has committed an offense, which is viewed by the principal and the superintendent as being unusually egregious, or if the student has not modified his behavior following one or more temporary suspensions, the superintendent may recommend to the Board of Directors, that the student be expelled from school for a period of more than ten (10) days.

Weapons Policy

The Board recognizes the importance of a safe school environment to the educational process. Possession of weapons on school property is a threat to the safety of students and staff and is prohibited by law.

Weapon - shall include but not be limited to any knife, cutting instrument, cutting tool, nunchaku, firearm, shotgun, rifle, look-alike gun, and/or any other tool, instrument or implement capable of inflicting serious bodily injury.

Possessing - a student is in possession of a weapon when the weapon is found on the person of the student; in the student's locker; under the student's control while she/he is on school property, on property being used by the school, at any school function or activity, at any school event held away from the school, or while the student is on his/her way to or from school.

The Board prohibits students from possessing and bringing weapons and replicas of weapons into any school district building, onto school property, to any school sponsored activity, and onto any public conveyance providing transportation to school or a school sponsored activity.

The school district shall expel for a period of not less than one (1) year, any student who violates this weapons policy. Such expulsion shall be given in conformance with formal due process proceedings required by law. The Superintendent may recommend modifications of such expulsion requirement on a case-by-case basis.

In the case of an exceptional student, the Superintendent shall take all necessary steps to comply with the Individuals With Disabilities Act.

When the school district receives a student who transfers from a public or private school during an expulsion period for an offense involving a weapon, the district may assign that student to an alternative assignment or may provide alternative education, provided the assignment may not exceed the expulsion period.

The Superintendent shall report the discovery of any weapon prohibited by this policy to the student's parents and to local law enforcement officials (See Board Policy No. 218.1).

Bullying and Cyberbullying

The Board is committed to providing a safe, positive learning environment for district students. The Board recognizes that bullying creates an atmosphere of fear and intimidation, detracts from the safe environment necessary for student learning, and may lead to violence that is more serious. Therefore, the Board prohibits bullying by district students.

Bullying means an intentional electronic, written, verbal or physical act or series of acts directed at another student or students, which occurs in a school setting that is severe, persistent or pervasive and has the effect of doing any of the following:

  1. Substantial interference with a student’s education.

  2. Creation of a threatening environment

  3. Substantial disruption of the orderly operation of the school.

Cyberbullying means an intentional electronic act or series of acts, through the utilization of computers, the internet, interactive and digital technologies, or electronic devices that are directed at another student or students, which occurs in and/or outside a school setting.

School setting means in the school, on school grounds, in school vehicles, at a designated bus stop, or at any activity sponsored, supervised, or sanctioned by the school.






Verbal Bullying

Using words to hurt others


Name calling, teasing, put downs

Adult meets with student

Adult and student fill out the reflection sheet and incident log

Loss of recess

Adult meets with student

Adult and student fill out the reflection sheet and incident log

Parent phone call Loss of 2 recesses

Adult meets with student

Adult and student fill out the reflection sheet and incident log

Parent phone call Loss of 3 recesses

Adult meets with student

Adult and student fill out the reflection sheet and incident log

Principal decides disciplinary action per district policy

Social Bullying

Using embarrassment, isolation, or rumors to hurt others

Examples: Excluding others, spreading rumors, using social media to hurt others

Adult meets with student

Adult and student fill out the reflection sheet and incident log

Loss of recess

Adult meets with student

Adult and student fill out the reflection sheet and incident log

Parent phone call Loss of 2 recesses

Adult meets with student

Adult and student fill out the reflection sheet and incident log

Parent phone call Loss of 3 recesses

Adult meets with student

Adult and student fill out the reflection sheet and incident log

Principal decides disciplinary action per district policy

Physical Bullying

Using arms, legs or other parts of the body to hurt others

Examples: Pushing, shoving, tripping, punching

Adult meets with student

Principal and/or counselor meets with student, student fills out reflection sheet

Loss of recess

Adult meets with student

Adult and student fill out the reflection sheet and incident log

Principal decides disciplinary action as per district policy

Adult meets with student

Adult and student fill out the reflection sheet and incident log

Principal decides disciplinary action per district policy

Adult meets with student

Adult and student fill out the reflection sheet and incident log

Principal decides disciplinary action per district policy

Video Surveillance

Video surveillance may occur in and around the school and on school buses. The use of video recording from surveillance systems shall be subject to other board policies, including policies concerning the confidentiality of student and staff records.

School Bus Guidelines

To provide safe transportation for our students to and from school striving to meet the transportation needs of our students and parents and in accordance with the law.

School Bus Safety Code of Conduct

This code reflects an emphasis on positive behaviors and universal values such as responsibility, respect, and citizenship. Proper conduct on the school bus shall be the joint responsibility of the student, the parent, the bus driver, and school officials. The School Bus Safety Code of Conduct provides students and parents with a summary of the district’s behavioral expectations while they are on the bus as well as disciplinary actions the district may take in the event a student violates those expectations.

Parents are encouraged to review and discuss the School Bus Safety Code of Conduct with their children to help them understand and assume responsibility for safe, acceptable bus conduct. In the event of misconduct by students, the privilege of riding the school bus may be removed at any time.

  1. Observe the same conduct as in the classroom.

  2. Keep head, arms, and hands inside the bus and remain seated.

  3. Do not stand or play on the roadway while waiting for the bus.

  4. Be at the bus stop 5 minutes before scheduled pick up time.

  5. Look both ways before crossing the highway.

  6. Wait for the bus to stop and red warning lights before crossing.

  7. Pass 10 feet IN FRONT OF the bus when crossing.

  8. No eating, drinking, spitting, or gum chewing. No littering.

  9. Keep aisles clear of obstruction.

  10. Students may talk in a normal tone of voice.

  11. No profanity or obscene language or gestures.

  12. Never sit in the driver's seat or tamper with controls.

  13. Interaction with vehicles behind the bus is strictly prohibited.

Items Banned from the School Bus:

  1. Jars, bottles, glass objects

  2. Weapons, guns, knives, razor blades, squirt guns, fireworks, aerosol cans and non-aerosol spray bottles, matches, lighters, inflated balloons

  3. Controlled substances including drugs, alcohol, tobacco, and drug paraphernalia

  4. Large sports equipment such as skis, snowboards, scooters, skateboards

  5. All other items deemed dangerous or that present a safety hazard

Items Requiring Special Instructions:

  1. Roller blades, ice skates and other sport footwear must be in a carry bag.

  2. Musical instruments that are too large to fit on a student’s lap are prohibited unless prior permission is given by the driver for larger instruments (determined by available room on the bus).

  3. Electronic items such as game players, iPods, iPads, and smart phones may be used with headphones so as not to distract the driver or other students.

  4. Special projects, plants, and food items must be in a closed container to prevent spillage or leaking, and to prevent a safety hazard.

  5. Small items like toys, balls, marbles, rubber bands, etc. should be kept in a backpack or bag. Rolling and thrown objects are serious safety hazards to the driver and students.

  6. Electronic items and cell phones are not to be used on the bus for phone calls, pictures, videotaping, or audio recording.


  1. Warning letter

  2. 5 school day bus suspension

  3. 10 school day bus suspension

  4. Suspended from bus for the remainder of the school year

  5. Suspension or expulsion from school

Administrative discretion is always reserved to modify the discipline imposed.

The Use of Audio and Video Monitoring Equipment

The Wyomissing Area School District wants to ensure the safety of its students while being transported to and from school and school-related activities on school buses. As part of its safety effort, the School District randomly places surveillance cameras with audio and video capabilities on all school buses to deter and detect student misbehavior.

The School District affirms that students should not have an expectation of privacy when riding the School District’s buses, nor should they have an expectation that school bus surveillance cameras will not record their actions or words. The School District asserts that students and their parents/guardians consent to the District’s audio/visual monitoring through the students’ use of the school buses.

Kindergarten Student Drop-Off Procedures:

  1. Kindergarten students within school attendance areas are assigned to an all-day session based on the student’s residence.

  2. Kindergarten students may be picked up in the morning from or delivered in the afternoon to a babysitter or their residence within the attendance district.

  3. Unless otherwise directed by parents, the district transportation department will not drop off kindergarten students at a bus stop without a parent being present. If a parent wishes, he/she may choose to designate another responsible adult (over the age of 18) or an older sibling (in 3rd grade or above) to be responsible for the kindergarten child. To make this designation, parents must complete a release form to the coordinator at the Wyomissing Area School District Business Office.

  4. If the parent has not signed a Release and Waiver of Kindergarten Student Drop-off Procedure Form designating another responsible adult or older sibling, and a parent is not present at the bus stop, the driver will return the kindergarten student to the school buildings in lieu of an unattended drop-off. Parents will be notified from what building their child can be picked up.

  5. After the third (3rd) time the parent, designated adult or older sibling is not present to receive the kindergarten student at the bus stop, bus privileges will be suspended for up to five (5) consecutive days. Subsequent failure to comply with this procedure may result in loss of bus privileges for the remainder of the year.